I designed a number of native apps, websites and brands for edgelabs and their clients.

edgelabs brand & website

edgelabs helps boards and senior executives to understand the barriers, opportunities and next steps they must take to grow, revitalise or transform their enterprises.

I was tasked with designing a new brand for edgelabs as well as the design and development of their new website.

Edgelabs website

Finance apps

I designed multiple native finance apps and websites for edgelab clients (not all can be shown here) as well as designing a large range of brands as can be seen below.

Finance apps
purplFrank'dstickyLumenplumplansBoosteclpssolonDataSharemeritisPay 2Tanglkeyz


BUCKiTDREAM was a social app where people could share and update their dreams. We had high ambitions for this project, including the ability for other members to collectively guide you to your dream by suggesting tips and deals to make your dream a reality.

BUCKitDREAM iPhone App

Analytics Dashboard

Part of this work was to create a dashboard to track all the top dreams and ‘dreamers’ as well as app usage data. The dasboard was vibrant and colourful to create an enjoyable experience for their data analysts.

BUCKiTDREAM Analytics Dashboard